Thursday, January 10, 2013

Imagine if...

Looking at this blank template for this first blog post is very similar to looking at school in August...full of anticipation, ideas, techniques, and just a little bit of nervousness about whether these ideas will actually fly.

Many of the same questions nag: can I actually do this? will anyone get the method to my madness?


One of my favorite concepts from Disney is "Imagineering" -- the creative force that makes the magic happen. I always thought that I'd want to be an imagineer, but you know what? I get to do that daily in my classroom.

As the world changes around us, so, to, must education. To remain static is certain death. By imagineering and then re-imagineering, we can stay on the cutting edge of this magical space...the classroom.

This blog will consider this journey through education today and the education of tomorrow.